Finishing the "Cave Paintings"
1st graders are finishing up their cave paintings/drawings this week. I spent the morning outside spraying them with fixative to keep...

The Magic of Watercolor
I've had a few teachers who really have impacted my life. I hope all of my students get to have a teacher who makes this kind of impact...

2nd Grade Printmaking
2nd graders started printing their food art in color this week. Each student will make a total of 5 prints in a variety of color...

4th Grade
In 4th grade, we've been studying Op Art (A.K.A. Optical illusions). We looked at many examples of optical illusions in class then,...

3rd Grade
In 3rd grade, we have been studying the art of Georgia O'Keeffe. We learned that Georgia O'Keeffe liked to paint flowers super up close...

2nd Grade
We have been studying Pop Art which is art that has subject matter that was chosen because of it's popularity. Artists like Andy Warhol...

Kindergarteners are having a blast learning all about the art room. For our first project, we practiced drawing circles, half circles,...

1st Grade
This month, 1st graders are learning about the cave paintings of Lascaux. First we heard a story about a boy named Marsal, his dog,...