Contact Mrs. Compton

I took this photo on a train in Paris. When I travel, I like to keep a sketchbook/journal to document my experiences and the art that I encounter. My students may recognize the infamous green sketchbook pictured here as the one I pull examples from and let them flip through from time to time.
I love hearing from parents! If you would like to contact me with any questions, comments, concerns, or you would just like to say "hello" you will find that I am able to respond most quickly by email.
You can also contact me by phone. Please note that calling my extension will take you directly to my voicemail. I am generally unable to check voicemail and return phone calls until the end of the school day, so please call the office with any time sensitve information.
Mrs. Emily Compton
Art Teacher
Pleasant Crossing Elementary
Email: ecompton@cpcsc.k12.in.us
Phone: 317-535-2025 *Ext: 6305
Office: 317-535-3244
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