2nd Grade Pop Art Printmaking
The 2nd graders are finishing up their printmaking project this week. We spend so many days getting messy so it was a nice change of...

4th Grade Op Art Drawings
The 4th graders are starting to finish up their Op Art drawings this week. We learned about the Element of Art, Value, and have been...

Georgia O'Keeffe Flower Paintings
The 3rd graders are beginning to finish their flower paintings. I just added a few to the gallery. My goal is to add some more to the...

Kindergarten and Kandinsky
In Kindergarten, we talked about the artist Wassily Kandinksy this week. We learned that he loved music and art so Kandinsky would...

Elements of Art Memory
4th graders are playing an Elements of Art Memory game this week. Each of these items represents one of the 7 elements of art. Can you...