3rd Grade Plaster Masks
We are starting to plan our next project in 3rd grade art... plaster animal masks! Today, Mrs. Pryor's class got to watch me make a mask...

3rd Grade Impressionist Water Lily Paintings
The 3rd graders are finishing up water lily paintings in the impressionist style this week. We learned about the Impressionist artists...

3rd Grade Clay Pots
Phew... time really got away from me in December in January. As I'm sure it does for everyone. 3rd grade just finished up these darling...

Henri Matisse Collages
The 3rd graders are finishing up their positive and negative space collages inspired by the artist Henri Matisse this week. I am adding...

3rd Grade and Matisse
3rd graders have been working on the element of art, space. We learned how to identiy positive and negative space in an artwork. Then,...

Georgia O'Keeffe Flower Paintings
The 3rd graders are beginning to finish their flower paintings. I just added a few to the gallery. My goal is to add some more to the...

The Magic of Watercolor
I've had a few teachers who really have impacted my life. I hope all of my students get to have a teacher who makes this kind of impact...

3rd Grade
In 3rd grade, we have been studying the art of Georgia O'Keeffe. We learned that Georgia O'Keeffe liked to paint flowers super up close...