3rd Grade Impressionist Water Lily Paintings

The 3rd graders are finishing up water lily paintings in the impressionist style this week. We learned about the Impressionist artists who were rejected from the salon at the academy in France year after year because their painting style wasn't what the judges were looking for. When they created their own art show called the "Salon de Refuses" their work was criticised as being just an impression of what they wanted to paint rather than finished paintings. The name, impression, stuck and the group of artists became known as the Impressionists. We tried our hand (errr... fingers) at the impressionist style by blending the paint on our papers instead of on a pallette in advance. To help the students see how the paint should seem like an impression of water lilies instead of a well blended painting, I asked them to finger paint. A few of them may have been a bit mad at me for not giving them paint brushes! :) I love how they turned out though. I'll start adding a few of these to the gallery sometime next week. Be sure to check them out!