1st Grade Pinch Pots
Opening a kiln after a glaze firing is so, so exciting every. single. time. Even after 6 years of teaching art. The pinch pots are...

1st Grade Pinch Pots
The 1st graders are making pinch pots this week. We LOVE clay here in the art room! We are concluding our unit on 3D shapes with...
1st Grade Shape and Form
1st grade is reviewing 3D shapes in art right now. We learned that the art word for 3D shapes is form. We sang about 3D shapes and then...

1st Grade and Primary Colors
We have been reviewing primary colors and starting to learn about secondary colors in first grade this week. We really love this song by...

Texture Ice Cream Cones
The first graders are finishing up their texture ice cream paintings this week. Our work was inspired by Pop artist, Wayne Theibaud. We...

Finishing the "Cave Paintings"
1st graders are finishing up their cave paintings/drawings this week. I spent the morning outside spraying them with fixative to keep...

1st Grade
This month, 1st graders are learning about the cave paintings of Lascaux. First we heard a story about a boy named Marsal, his dog,...