Kandinsky Circle Collages
We are hard at work in kindergarten learning to cut and glue properly. We're making circle collages inspired by the artist Wassily...

Kindergarten and Eric Carle
In kindergarten art, we learned about the author and illustrator Eric Carle last week. We read the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar and...
Kindergarten and Colors
This week, Kindergarten is learning about warm and cool colors. We learned that a color wheel can help artists find groups of colors. ...

Kindergarten Shape Paintings
Kindergarteners are finishing their shape painings this week. First, we talked about shapes and painted a square, rectangle, circle, and...

Kindergarten Kandinsky Collages
The kindergarteners just finished up their Kandinsky circle collages. We cut and cut and cut. You can even see how much they learned...

Kindergarten and Kandinsky
In Kindergarten, we talked about the artist Wassily Kandinksy this week. We learned that he loved music and art so Kandinsky would...

Kindergarteners are having a blast learning all about the art room. For our first project, we practiced drawing circles, half circles,...