4th Grade Coil Pots
The 4th graders finally finished their coil pots. It took quite awhile with spring break in the middle of the project. The last set of...

4th Grade Coil Pots
Nothing keeps 4th graders on task in the art room right before spring break like clay! The 4th graders have been hard at work on coil...

1st Grade Pinch Pots
Opening a kiln after a glaze firing is so, so exciting every. single. time. Even after 6 years of teaching art. The pinch pots are...

1st Grade Pinch Pots
The 1st graders are making pinch pots this week. We LOVE clay here in the art room! We are concluding our unit on 3D shapes with...

3rd Grade Clay Pots
Phew... time really got away from me in December in January. As I'm sure it does for everyone. 3rd grade just finished up these darling...