Contour Line Leaf Drawings
In second grade, we're working on drawing from life. We learned that when we draw a realistic object we should start witht he outline,...

2nd Grade Color Mixing
In second grade art, we have started reviewing color mixing and learning about the rainbow. We learned this fun SONG about ROY G BIV to...

2nd Grade Perspective Paintings
The 2nd graders just finished a project using space, also known as perspective, in their artworks. We learned that you can make objects...

2nd Grade Starry Night Drawings
The 2nd graders finished these gorgeous Starry Night Drawings. They turned out pretty incredible! I'll add a few to the GALLERY in the...
2nd Grade and The Starry Night
2nd graders have been learning about Vincent van Gogh and his painting The Starry Night. We watched this video of an interactive Starry...

2nd Grade Pop Art Printmaking
The 2nd graders are finishing up their printmaking project this week. We spend so many days getting messy so it was a nice change of...

2nd Grade Printmaking
2nd graders started printing their food art in color this week. Each student will make a total of 5 prints in a variety of color...

2nd Grade
We have been studying Pop Art which is art that has subject matter that was chosen because of it's popularity. Artists like Andy Warhol...