Let's Play a Game!
In our school district we are using a growth model to grade our students. For each grade level we have identified three skills based on the elements of art which we assess multiple times per year to track student growth. Students are graded on a five point scale.
0= Student has not used the art skill.
1= Student can use some of the art skill with help.
2= Student can use some of the art skill on their own.
3= Student is proficient in end of the year grade level expectations for the art skill.
4= Student has mastered the art skill, can teach others, and shows application above proficiency in the art skill.
The art games and manipulatives I use to assess helps me to achieve meaningful assessments that are done quickly and take very little time out of art making. This allows me to assess with the frequency needed for this growth model of grading. When students reach a new level of learning in an art skill, they track their progress on a learning target in their sketchbook. The circles above are FREE downloads for the learning targets I have developed for each grade level. The sample target, below, shows how a student is tracking their progress on the art skills I've assessed so far this year.